Did your work out count if you are not sore?!
What a great question! I just had a conversation with a client the other day about this!
In short, YES! Being sore does not mean your work out is being more effective or you got a better work out than days you have not been sore. Soreness typically correlates to newness. So, you may find you are sore after doing a new program or new exercises. Sometimes doingan increased load can make you sore as well. Other times doing things improperly can lead you to be sore in the wrong places.
Exercises is something we want to dose out. What I mean is, if you hada headache, you wouldn’t take 12 Advil’s. You would take 1-2. Same with training. We want to incrementally build upon your last session. This is most often done by the load, aka the weight we are lifting. (For the most part you want to increase the load on most exercises every session, note this load increase will typically be about 5%. Different exercises will allow for bigger jumps than others, but that is a whole other conversation.)
Another way you can build upon your last session is increasing the volume of work. This means you do one more set or increase the number of reps per set.
So long story short, you should not, nor do you need to be sore after every work out to be increasing your gains. You should however be steadily making increases on the amount of load you are lifting or the volume of work you are doing.